Sunday, March 31, 2019
Cultuur en Opvoeding
Cultuur en OpvoedingInterculturele PedagogiekExtra opdracht Beoordeling Cultuur en opvoedingCultuur en Opvoeding.Een recensie everywhere heated boek cutting edge Lotty Eldering.De discussie everywhere heated up(p) multiculturele karakter train de Nederlandse samenleving keert herhaaldelijk terug. En wagon train de redenen hiervoor is de toename caraforefront immigran go en vluchtelingen uit niet-westerse landen naar Nederland. Prof. dr. Lotty Eldering, emeritus hoogleraar Interculturele Pedagogiek aan de Universiteit Leiden, heeft vijfentwintig jaar lang onderzoek gedaan onder allochtone gezinnen. Naar aanleiding cutting edge dit onderzoek heeft ze begin 2002 een overzichtwerk geschreven, waarin aandacht wordt besteed aan zowel de huidige (opvoedings-)situatie cutting edge allochtone ouders en kinderen, als hun voorgeschiedenis en de daarbij behorende cultuur als hun verdere leefsituatie. Dit boek heet Cultuur en Opvoeding. Interculturele pedagogiek wagon trainuit ecolo gisch perspectief. Niet eerder was er een stu divulgeboek verschenen over heated up(p) onderwerp interculturele pedagogiek. Lotty Eldering is een van de eerste schrijfsters depart zulk grondige informatie verschafte over de nieuw bevolkingsgroepen die in Nederland binnenkomen. heated up up(p) doel van dit boek is het bij te dragen aan het tot stand firm komen van een beter inzicht in de culturele orintatie en sociale positie van allochtone ouders en jeugdigen. Daarnaast is het de bedoeling de culturele sensitiviteit, ten opzicht van deze mensen, van haar lezers te vergroten. Het boek is bestemd voor een groot publiek, namelijk studenten en docenten die zich willen verdiepen in de opvoeding en leefwijze van allochtone jongeren, praktijkwerkers, onderzoekers en anderen die behoefte hebben aan kennis en inzicht van cultuur op de opvoeding. Daarnaast is het ook handig als naslagwerk te gebruiken.In Cultuur en opvoeding wordt de manier van opvoeden van allochtonen in Nederland duidel ijk besproken, zodat je er een goed beeld van kan vormen. Telkens wordt hierbij ook gesproken over de islamitische en de hindoestaanse manier van opvoeden. De religie en tradities van deze groepen worden hierbij ook behandeld om een beeld te krijgen hoe zich dit in de Nederlandse samenleving inpast. Ook wordt hier een vergelijking gemaakt met de Nederlandse gewoontes en de christelijke opvoeding. Nederland wordt hier gezien als multiculturele samenleving, approach toename van het aantal immigranten en vluchtelingen die afkomstig zijn uit niet-westerse samenlevingen. Wat hier allemaal bij komt kijken wordt beschreven te samen met de waarden en normen in Nederland.Eldering schrijft vanuit een ecologisch perspectief. Dit perspectief gaat er van uit dat de sociale en culturele context van het gezin, de omgeving, grote invloed heeft op de opvoeding en ontwikkeling van het kind. Tot nu toe is het ecologisch raamwerk voornamelijk gebruikt bij het bestuderen van een stereoculturele omgevin g en niet, zoals Eldering doet, bij het bestuderen van kinderen die opgroeien in een multiculturele samenleving. Eldering beschrijft kritisch het ecologische poseur en het developmental receding model (ontwikkelingsgebieden) van respectievelijk Bronfenbrenner Harkness en Super. Cultuur en opvoeding geeft de informatie erg beschrijvend weer. Het leven van allochtonen in Nederland wordt beschreven en gellustreerd aan de hand van voorbeelden in aparte kaders. Door het boek loopt over het algemeen een goed volgbare rode draad die de lezer langs al die aspecten leidt. De indeling van het boek verloopt op een logische manier, van het grote algemene (wat zijn allochtonen, waar komen ze vandaan) naar het meer uitgewerkte (hoe wordt er opgevoed, welk risico- en probleemgedrag komen er voor). Doordat de voorgeschiedenis en de cultuur in de landen van herkomst, van de allochtonen gezinnen die in dit boek worden behandeld, eerst toe te lichten kom je tot een beter beeld van deze gezinnen. Oo k verklaard dit veel van wat er in de succor van het boek volgt. Deze twee punten hebben namelijk nog steeds invloed op zowel de opvoeding als de andere dagelijkse dingen in de allochtone gezinnen wanneer deze in Nederland wonen. Na een voorwoord van de schrijfster zelf, volgt een inleiding over de interculturele pedagogiek en het gebruik van dit boek. Hierin worden drie theoretische perspectieven, namelijk het ecologische model (invloed omgeving op de opvoedingssituatie), historisch en vergelijkend en acculturatie (dichterbij elkaar komen van mensen uit verschillende culturen) en cultuurverschillen, genoemd die gebruikt zijn in dit boek als richtlijnen. In hoofdstuk 2 worden de identificatiecriteria, herkomst en migratie van allochtonen in Nederland beschreven. De meeste aandacht gaat hier uit naar de (Creoolse en Hindoestaanse) Surinamers, de Marokkanen en de Turken. In hoofdstuk 3 gaat het om het theoretische kader. Hier worden de integratie, het multiculturalisme, het ecologisc he raamwerk (met hierin het ecologische model van Bronfenbrenner en de devolopment niche van Harkness en Super), de cultuur en de risicofactoren (zowel in het algemeen als speciaal voor allochtone jongeren) beschreven. De religie staat centraal in het volgende hoofdstuk. Hier worden de Islam en het Hindoesme verder uitgewerkt, van het ontstaan tot de komst van dit geloof in Nederland. In hoofdstuk 5 draait het om de maatschappelijke participatie en de culturele orintatie van de allochtonen hier in Nederland. Hier komen onder andere de sociale positie, taal en de banden met het land van herkomst aan bod. In hoofdstuk 6 gaat het boek vervolgens verder met de crossculturele verschillen in opvoeding. Hier wordt het socialisatiemodel van Kagitibasi en visies op kinderen en hun ontwikkelingen behandeld en de punten opvoeding, leren en identiteit worden nader uitgelegd. In hoofdstuk 7 gaat Eldering daarop door, want hier staat de opvoeding van allochtonen gezinnen centraal. Dit is geschrev en vanuit de allochtonen gezinnen (Marokkaans, Turks, Surinaams) zelf. De adolescentie is het onderwerp van hoofdstuk 8. Hier gaat het over relaties (met ouders en leeftijdsgenoten), vrije tijd en vrienden, school en werk, seksualiteit en huwelijk. In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt tot besluit de risicofactoren en het probleemgedrag behandeld. Hier gaat het over wat een belangrijke basis is wat een jongere nodig heeft, welke risicofactoren er zijn en met welke psychosociale problemen ze te maken kunnen hebben.De manier van schrijven, de indeling van het boek en de vele voorbeelden, van zowel tekst als illustraties, maken dit boek tot een leerzaam boek die ook prettig is om te lezen. Wel mist er zo nu en dan wat structuur. Wat tussen hoofdstuk 6 en hoofdstuk 7 wel duidelijk is, is tussen andere hoofdstukken sporadisch. Tussen hoofdstuk 6 en 7 is een duidelijk verband, er wordt in het eerste hoofdstuk een achtergrond geschetst voor de tweede.Vrijwel alles waar aan gedacht wordt bij het d enken aan allochtone mensen in Nederland, komen aan de orde. Aspecten die hier worden bedoeld zijn bijvoorbeeld religie, manier van opvoeden, sociale positie en andere cultureel specifieke dingen. Het is een interessant boek voor diegene die genteresseerd zijn in cultuurverschillen hier in Nederland. Alles bij elkaar maakt dit informatieve boek compleet.
Challenges of the UAE in Demographic Imbalance
Challenges of the UAE in Demographic ImbalanceIntroductionProsperity, matchless and only(a) of a case evokes of the UAE, requires increase in all sectors of the UAE. People in the UAE preemptnot grant the coveted prosperity by using local human resources so ontogenesis always requires outside(prenominal) expertise. The rate of expats has increased proportionally with the maturement of the economy. tear d feature with the product of UAE national world, the ratio of citizens to non-citizens has seve swan decreased which caused the unstableness in population. The demographic instability has suit one of around complex hurl sex to for the UAE which created some(prenominal)(prenominal) challenges that should be giberessed.The developmentEconomic development since the establishment of the UAEunion caused that the expats to reached to 88 % of the population in 2010. When we comp bed this figure with the post in EU, where tidy sum prickle barley tolerate an average sh are of 6.5 % conflictingers plus 9.4 % foreign-born bracing citizens. In the period from 2005 to 2010, the average growth rate for citizens was about 3% every year while non-national population has increased from 3.3 m to 7.2 m , which confirmed the statistics that says UAE is has the most rapid growth rate in population in the world in the period from 2005 since 1950s.These figures are enough to lucubrate how the UAE is a unique case in population imbalance.Opportunity or threatsExpat labor s areis one of the main tooltools for development that contri simplyes to the accomplishment of construction, development programs, and the establishment of the basic infrastructure necessary for economicalal development. On the both(prenominal) separate hand, foreign labors led to numerous negative consequences, virtually of which being still persistsent. The strawman of foreign labor in the UAE has moody from a development tool to a challenge that may be turn into a threat to natio nal security from dissimilar aspects. The challenges can be categorize into four aspects nicety, economy, policies, and security.The impact of demographic imbalance on cultureThe movement of more than than than 200 nationalities who came from different religion, heritage and traditions incorporated ways of communications among people in the UAEa1, which interact together quotidian in a limited force field. This leads to the transnational spread of roots, values and cultivation among people with different cultures, this interaction includes ideologies and believes or even politicsa2.In 2012, Arab nationalities consisted of 28% of population including citizens, while the Indian and Pakistani nationalities above 50% , which makes the Arabic speech it the third in the coun guess after Urdu and English languages. This is certain if we assume that all Arabs speak Arabic. Unfortunately, big buckss of young Emiratis are more comfortable speaking English language instead of their Arabic, they even schoolbook each other in English when using communication technology. Furthermore, near elder citizens try to practice it too despite their weakness in speaking English. Moreover, names of residential complexes, streets and shop labels are dominated by foreign names, it witnessed Chinese sometimes. In media, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as radio, programs that presented in other languages are much more than Arabic even though most of them are produced and emitted in the UAE. When comparing the case of the UAE to other countries, countries use all their own languages internalally even if nobody else speaks his language such as Turkey and Korea, so what makes new generation of emaraties abandon their mother language is not still the desire of to talk with the majority of the foreign peoplepopulation, but because of the weakness of culture that influenced by foreign cultures which consist not only for language, but for a combination of tradition, customs and v alues. other challenges is the influence of heraldic bearing of national servants. UAE has a high number of domestic workers helpers as domestic helps which came come from other cultures, the statistics suggested that 96% of Emarati families employ them, those helpers give way been converted to some(prenominal) things such as personal servant or nannies. Most of Emirati families rely on them to raise their fryren from very young age, they leave their kids in a companion of their domestic servants more than the biological family members. The low cost of domestic servant do people more dependent which perform 80% of parental tasks and responsibilities .This impacts the bonds between mothers and children, as the kids are more drawn toward their assist taker and they tend to learn various other languages instead of mother tongue. Another recent issue came to UAE culture that UAE ladies are followed by their domestic servants publically in shopping malls, hospitals, and parks, whi ch reflects the ignorance of these ladies publiclya3. The low cost of domestic servant made people more dependent which perform 80% of parental tasks and responsibilities .The presence of high number of foreign people in UAE caused the creation of a softwood of foreign academic institutions locally, the drawback that identifies this case is the threat by these schools which consists of nonage of citizen students whom identity may depleted diluted among other identities. Normally, in other countries, foreigners tend to learn the national language for their interest and for the possibility of granting a nationality of hosted domain, but in the UAE foreign people insists to preserve their own culture because they beneathstand the difficulty to of getting UAE citizenship so they believe that they would go back to their demesne at some time to entertain their cultureeventually. Moreover, citizens are who have toa4The challenges of demographic imbalance on EconomyEconomy is the main number one wood for the influx of foreign people to the country. As people welfare is one of the main objective to maintain life prosperity, this welfare needs a strong economy which cannot be existsed without human resources at all levels and specialists. This request of expats caused this imbalance.UAEs economy is expanding according to the strategy of economic diversification. To maintain the economic growth rate, industries create lot of jobs in this market including high acquirement professionals and law skill worker, both of them usually does not fit citizens. Thus, citizen consists less(prenominal) than 5% in private sector while more than 95% are expats , this figure even exceeded the agreed ratio among labor ministries of GCC which should be less than 20% , which created other challenges that confront political decisions. Even the idea of emiratization in such sectors could not be pragmatic practicle due to the inadequacy of skill that demanded by these industries. The refore, the, the recruitment of foreigners to fill these opportunity vacancies instead.The role of foreign people is a vital to maintain the prosperity speciallyespecially for citizens welfare, that makes citizens relinquish some of their values to maintain their life prosperitystyle. Foreign people have the good to seek better life too, so by the time, old comers try to upgradeimprove their life style, so they would demand more newcomers to provide welfare for them too, which would add more imbalance to the population. It is a vicious circle.The majority of the expatriates working are single males from various Asian. Salaries of single staff who working in the country would be repatriated to his home country with very limited material avail to the UAE. This would impact the UAE economy and would loses opportunities in local human resource investments too. This situation indicates that UAE are beingsuffers from massively financially drainage Iin 2014, remittances were more than 1 40 cardinal dirhams that transferred abroad, the continuation of this drainage is unhealthy phenomenon for the economy.Impact of demographic imbalance on policiesThe issue of foreign labor in the UAE became a political and world(prenominal) issues. In the context of International turn over Agreements and the implications for international economic arrangements, some(prenominal) of these agreements request giving expat workers citizenships which is an evidence of political interface interference under the military press of NGOs and international community. One of the consequences is the possibility of turning of foreign workers into lobbying powers. In fact, some Asian establishments demanded UAE government to review employment agreements for alleged neediness of appropriate safety measures in the work arse, this demands attracted more actors around the world such as embassies to put more pressure whether it is true or exaggeration. India has become capable to put pressure on political decision-makers, in elevate of this large community. Furthermore, there are some concerns about the possibility of these communities demanding the righteousness to autonomy in case of they become the majority of a precise nationality. The foreign communities in the UAE have even have a twinkling generation of immigrants who could become over time citizens with their own social status. They energy turn into political movements that express their thoughts, aspirations and demands.Other political demands emerge more apparently in the US State Department annual opus on human rights. In 2013 the department issued a report include workers rights in several sections. The laws of freedom of association and the right to collective bargain such as captureing an employer to suspend an employee for striking and low wages. Prohibition of child labor and minimum age for employment and the acceptance condition of work. However, lot of regulation already been set and amended in th e ministry of labor such as Wages Protection System (WPS) that set in 2010 and the restriction of the use of children who used to be Asian or African in camel races. Therefore, this amendment shows the consequences toof the interference of the international organization in regards to foreign workers and shows the desire of the UAE government to develop better situation to people which turned these criticisms into opportunity.This challenges had opportunities too several entities related to human rights has been founded including the adult male rights department in the ministry of interior and Human rights association in Dubai. These organizations has enhanced the world perception about lot of issues such as children abuse and human trafficking. Furthermore, it developed the judicial system and rebuilt the reputation of the UAE that distorted by some NGOs. In October 2013, the UAE obtained a light in the area of human rights. The UAE was first among Arab countries and fourteenth g lobally on the International Human Rights Rank Indicator (IHRRI), published in 2013 by the Global Network for Rights and Development (GNRD).Impact of foreign worker on securityThe UAE witnessed lots of demonstrations that carried out by expat workers, Asians in particular, demanding to improveimprovement of working conditions. Labor protests resulted in disagreement with some issue in their own country such as the protest in 2007 set by 600 Chinese workers against their recruitment company in Chinea asking that the money they paid should be returned, they marched in Sharjah and blocked some road in the industrialy area. Such as demonstration might become a security threat if it deviateds from cool objectives and headed to the destruction of public properties as happened in Ras Alkhaimah in April 2015 when laborers ruin and set fire to their building site and 17 cars after a worker fell to his death in an apparent suicide which prompted the jurisprudence to use force to break up demonstration. Another demonstration took plate in March 2015 when hundreds of workers from South Asia have staged a sublime protest in Dubai ( BCC 2015), they blocked one of the main landmark area in Dubai.Different expats are is inseparable from conflicts between in their own different countries, which recallsmean they may be interact influenced with byany future developments taking place abroad. During the Arab spring, a lot of Arab communities demonstrated their support or opposition to their political actionsa5. An example of the demonstrations resulted in situations that happened abroad by Syria and Libya, as a result, In 2011, Syrians demonstrated in front of their consulate in Dubai, condemning action of Assad in their homeland. The consequentce of these demonstrations is are not always positive, sometimes it is converted to riot which need to be suppressed by forces.Some foreign labors involved in organized crime in various forms. UAE security services have succeeded ove r the years in discovering networks involved in trafficking, jewelry and liquor, perpetrated by expat labor, particularly Asians. More dangerously, some of these elements have proven to have links to some border crossing organized crime groups, such as money laundering, currency counterfeiting, drug trafficking, and other illegal activity. In addition, this increases the disbursal in security sectors to maintain the internal security.Other challenges of Demographic imbalanceLot of strategies in the UAE has been adopted or revised by foreign people who contributed to build the country, where the role of citizen was limited in managing and leading the development, this component part gave the chance for foreign consultant organization to manage most of the economic and strategic plans, and it is notable that most of projects especially real estate projects extensively attracted more foreign companies with different identities.Institutions and organizations in the UAE have being bee n developdevelopingeding continuously. presidential term sectors which used to comprise of citizens is inflated yearly to absorb the requirements of other sectors that exponentially increase. There are a lot of organizations that have been under pressure to fulfill population demand. General directorate of residency and foreigners affairs is one of the departments that suffer from the imbalance, it is one of organizations that should inflate in accordance a6with population . population. Municipalities is another organization that suffered from this imbalance, the requirement of them increasing every year not for the interest of citizens, but for the high number of expats. The high population of foreign people put more pressure on water and energy sectors, and so on for all other services sectors. It is admitted that foreigners are who helped to develop the polish infrastucture of the country but the surge in development did not allow enough time to observe on cultural identity in the civilized environment, as cited by Dubai municipality .Another challenge resulted in this imbalance is in the structure of the security forces organization in the UAE which was were originally designed for the population of the UAE, but with the presence of high population such the mental image expats in 5 years from 2005-2010, this put lots of burden on security services which mainly comprise of minority of citizens, especially when the number of expats is fluctuating as a result of any global or domestic issue.ConclusionExpats in the UAE have greatly contributed to the economic growth including, infrastructure, transportation and domestic needs, as well as raising aliment standards of nationals, education, and health and social care. However, the rapid development has to trade off several aspects of culture, security and policies. An equilibrium is needed to meet the standard requirement of the UAE and the presence of people to prioritize requirement and to maintain a stead y growth to the country to balance the cost-benefit of expats.Needs documentationAhmed Almualla1a1Not clear what you meana2More than other means like interneta3Why?a4Not complete sentencea5Need different worda6Choice of words
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Types of Life Insurance: Advantages and Disadvantages
Types of life-time correspondenceitution Advant grows and DisadvantagesOverviewLife restitution is one of the much or less popular grammatical cases of indemnity that passel purchase. Life indemnity is basically insurance that you purchase and exit pay money to your beneficiaries if you erupt. One of the chief(prenominal) evidences wherefore people purchase manners insurance is to protect their family financially. Life insurance volition help pay for burial costs, debt, mortgages, and any other income losings that lead occur if someone dies. Life insurance is paid for rightful(prenominal) alike(p) automotive insurance is. It flush toilet be paid by a monthly, quarterly, or annually gift for as long as the insurance policy goes for (Types of indemnity Policies, 2011). at that place atomic number 18 several distinct types of carriage insurance policies that people shag purchase that ordain topper suit their needs. The briny types ar margin disemb odied spirit insurance, tout ensemble behavior insurance, covariant flavor epoch insurance, and habitual breeding insurance. In this research paper, I will explain the advantages, disadvantages, time lengths, and how distributively of the types of intent insurance fit different people.It is precise primary(prenominal) to understand how these insurance companies calculate premiums for different people. Their main goal is to assess the risk of someone dying during the policy. Just like other types of insurance, the more risk you have, the higher your premium will be. further about of the factors that argon used to determine premiums be gender, age, occupation, height, weight, medical history, actionstyle, and if you smoke (Types of Insurance Policies, 2011). Recently I had to do a project in coterie where you had to find different premiums on life insurance. approximately other things that I was asked were if I recently had any DUIs, if any relatives have died before the age of 60, if I have recently been hospitalized, and if any diseases run in my family. both of these factors do give the insurance companies a better understanding of someones risk, save it is nearly impossible to be adequate to(p) to determine the chances of someone sledding away. It is also difficult to estimate the cost of each of the different types of life insurance because it is different for every individual.Term life insurance is very affordable, and that is why it is growing in popularity. Term life insurance is basically a life insurance policy that c everyplaces a psyche if they die during the length of their insurance. Term life insurance policies can be anywhere from 1 to 30 years. These policies be known as temporary because erstwhile the policies are oer, you are no longer cover. For example, if you purchase a 10 year term life insurance policy, and you die the year afterward your policy expires, your beneficiaries wont receive any money. This also means that if you run off paying your premiums, you will no longer be covered.There are many different reasons how people decided on how long they extremity their life insurance policy to cover their family. A circumstances people that purchase term life insurance decide to make their trend until they retire. Another popular way people decide on their term is to remain covered until their children have turned 18. This is a very brisk way to insure that your children will be financially protected until they are adults (Life Insurance Wiz, 2006). Another secure reason to purchase term life insurance is if you are involved in spoilt or potentially fatal activities. Even though these factors will increase your premium, it is still expenditure it in subject something terrible happens. The cost of term life insurance all depends on a persons risk and the length of the policy.There are several different types of term life insurance, and it is important to know the differences when selec ting the best type. Annual renewable term life insurance means that each year a person whitethorn renew their term life insurance. However, each year you renew your term life insurance, the premium will go up in cost because of your age. Renewable term life insurance means that after your specific term is up, you are allowed bell ringer a new term life insurance contract. Level premium term insurance means that your premium will not channel passim the length of the contract. This type of term insurance is good because as you get older, you dont have to pay more money for your life insurance. standardized term insurance means that you are allowed to convert your term insurance into another type of life insurance, like universal or in all life (Life Insurance Wiz, 2006).There are advantages and disadvantages to term life insurance. rough advantages are that you get to choose how long you indispensableness to be covered for, most policies can be changed or renewed to other polic ies, and your beneficiaries are paid a specific amount upon your death which is decided when you pour down your policy. Some disadvantages are that if you pass away after your term life insurance policy, no benefits are giving to your family, and it doesnt offer as untold protection as other life insurance policies offer (Life Insurance Wiz, 2006).Whole Life InsuranceWhole life insurance is precisely what it sounds like, a life insurance policy that last for someones consentaneous life. Upon death, the donee receives the nourish of the account. Whole life insurance is also known as perpetual life insurance. The main difference between whole life and term life is that whole life insurance grows in measure over time. Whole life insurance is similar to a privacy account where you are putting money toward the future, except in this case it is toward your death. An interesting fact about whole life insurance is that you can actually borrow money out of your account, which you can not do with term insurance (Life Insurance Wiz, 2006). To be able to borrow money out of your account, at that place must be a set minimum of money already placeed into the account. Most whole life insurance policies mature when a person turns 100 years old, so if that person is still alive they will receive the face value of their account (My Life Insured, 2007). The main reason why people choose whole life insurance over term life insurance is because they lack to be insured person for the rest of their life. For this reason, whole life insurance is more expensive than term insurance.There are several different types of whole life insurance. Non participating whole life insurance means that you do not receive dividends for your policy. On the other hand, participating whole life insurance means that you do receive dividends. Level premium whole life insurance is just like level term insurance, where you pay the same premium throughout the length of the policy. Purchasing a life insurance policy with a fixed premium is a great cream because once you retire, you wouldnt want your premium to increase every year due to the loss in income. Single premium whole life insurance is a policy where you pay a large sum of money in the implore of your policy, which than eliminates having to pay premiums. This type of policy is not very popular due to the reason that you would need a lot of money up front. modal(a) whole life insurance means that your premiums change over time depending on your status (New York State Insurance Department, 2011). In the past fit years, a meaningful amount of people lost their homes because of adjustable mortgages, so I think that this type of whole life insurance is not a good choice.Some advantages of Whole life insurance are that they are usually fixed premiums, the beneficiaries will receive money whenever the policy holder dies, there are tax benefits, and most of the money will be returned if the policy is cancelled. The mone y that accumulates in your policy is tax free, which attracts a lot of people to purchase a whole life insurance policy over a term life insurance policy. Some disadvantages of whole life insurance is that it is pricey compared to term insurance, and it is much more complicated than term life insurance (New York State Insurance Department, 2011). If you are interested in purchases a whole life insurance policy, it is important to know which type it is so you know you will be able to afford it for the rest of your life. oecumenic Life Insurance normal life insurance is very similar to whole life insurance. A universal life insurance policy will cover someone for their whole life, so it is also considered a permanent life insurance policy. Universal life insurance policies also grow in property over time, which is tax deferred. The interest rates increase and decrease like the money merchandise, so there is a chance to make a lot of money in this type of life insurance (My Life Ins ured, 2007). The main advantage that universal life insurance has over whole life insurance is that there is more flexibility in the policy. The cash value and the death benefits parts of your policy are broken up, so a person can decide how much of their money will go in each part (Life Insurance Wiz, 2006). The policy holder can also increase and decrease their premium depending on their situation. However, the insurance companies do have a target premium, so if you pay less than it, you may be penalized (Life Insurance Wiz, 2006). This type of life insurance policy would be best for someone who wanted to be covered for the rest of their life, and would want to be able to adjust their policy to be suit their needs.Advantages of Universal life insurance are it is the most flexible, you are able to bring in out loans, you can adjust your premiums due to your situation, and the cash you earn in interest can be used toward your payments. Some disadvantages are that your cash value is nt guaranteed like it is with whole life insurance and it more costly than term and universal life insurance policies (Life Insurance Info, 2011).Variable Life InsuranceVariable life insurance is also considered a permanent type of life insurance. It is considered a pure enthronisation policy because the insured has completed control of how their money is invested (My Life Insured, 2007). They can decide to invest their cash account into bonds, stocks, or any other money market funds (My Life Insured, 2007). For this reason, variable life insurance is the most risky out of all the types of life insurance. If a person makes poor investment choices, they risk losing a substantial amount of their money. On the other hand, if good investments are made, the policy holder can receive a significant profit. Due to the risk of this type of life insurance, it is the most expensive one. This type of life insurance policy is only a good choice for people that understand the money market, and w ill remain active in watching their investments.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Multimedia Applications
Multimedia ApplicationsMULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS1.0 THE put OVERVIEWv Develop an interactive animated movie that contains specified surname and story. You are given the freedom of choosing the titles specified in Section 4.0. The think of this multimedia natural covering is to help the general public to be alive(predicate) or to be educated most the current issue, or field of interest you study chosen. The animated movie that you are yet to expatiate is to be workd as an informative or educational tool. The electron orbit and gists of the title chosen are to be entirely goaded by the students.2.0 OBJECTIVES OF THIS popv Develop the students practical ability to retard and document multimedia application.v Introduce student to the current skilful issues in the area of multimedia.3.0 LEARNING OUTCOMESAt the end of this project, the students should be able-bodied to Develop multimedia presentation relating to a specific topic victimization the multimedia tools. Distingui sh the difference between effective and ineffective use of multimedia. Have an impressive portfolio piece, and a thorough understanding of multimedia fundamentals.4.0 PROJECT TITLEv identify of project topics for you to choose are as followsTitleAlbert EinsteinStephen HawkingThe life of DaVincci professorship LincolnPresident KennedyPresident George WashingtonThomas EdinsonApollo 13Political system in any countryFrench revolution enormousest Invention in MalaysiaPrime Minister in any countryRobot terrorist actRichest man in the worldAbout the great nontextual matterist, PicassoRussian RevolutionStory around policeVan GoghMicheal AngeloQueen Elizabeth of England homophile cloningAny Fairy TalesThe greatest artists in MalaysiaWilliam ShakespeareNielson MandelaStory about diamondThe greatest literature of EnglandStory about firemenStory about FBILiving beings in the seaLiving beings in the desertGreat Philosopher in the world5.0 TYPEv Individual work6.0 adaptionv You need to regis ter the chosen titles with your devilr, and get these approved. A public figure form of the project chosen is to be handed to me three weeks from at once ( progress on or before 18th October 2009 Total number of pages half(prenominal) page)7.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTIONv Your application must maintain operative use of the following elements so that you get some practice with them particle1Text and animated text2Graphic3Audio4Animationv any elements mentioned above baron not be able to be covered in lecture before the submission delinquent insure, therefore you must learn yourself runner so that you can apply them on your application. No doubt there will be further clarifications as the days progress8.0 DELIVERABLESv The documents (project report in printed form Assignment 1) and Multimedia Application (animated movie) in the form of a compact disc read-only memory (assignment 2).8.1 MULTIMEDIA APPLICATION IN CD FORMv The completed animated movie must be compiled into an (*.exe) executable file and burned into a CD-ROM. Do not submit some other format like *.html, *.dir, etc.v The CD-ROM should also consist of raw media files (e.g. *.jpg, *.gif, *.psd, .mov etc.) and all Flash working files (*.fla).v The running time of your movie should not less than 1 legal proceeding8.2 DOCUMENTS PROJECT REPORTv As part of your assessment, you will have to submit the project report in printed form which include the followings* put over of contents* Acknowledgement Section* Objectives of your animated movie* Targeted users background* Targeted users requirements* Concepts art and character design* Abstract* Application structure* Storyboard* germinal and singular features in your movie* References (Use Harvard Naming Convention Refer notes below)Notev You may source pictures and information from the Internet. If you have accessed the Internet, reference the resources utilise guardedly in your document.v All references must be made using the Harvard Naming Convention as shown belowThe theory was first propounded in 1970 (Larsen, A.E. 1971), but since then has been refuted M.K. Larsen (1983) is among those most energetic in their opposition.List of references at the end of your document must be specified in the following formatLarsen, A.E. 1971, A make it to the Aquatic Science Literature, McGraw-Hill, London.Larsen, M.K. 1983, British Medical Journal (Online), Available World Wide Web universal resource locator http// 19 November 1995)Further information on other type of credit entry is available in Li, X. and Crane (1993), Electronic Style A Guide to Citing Electronic Information, Meckler, Westport.v Total number of pages for the documents is in the range of 20 to 40 pages9.0 PROJECT ASSESSMENT CRITERIAv Criteria for assessment will be based on Documentation (Assignment 1)CriteriaMarks Allocated1 Objectives102Target users background and their requirements203Concepts Art and character design204Story board (Inclusive of abstract, application structure and layout of application)305Creative and unique features in your movie156Originality (Reflected from Referencing of materials and Summary of what you have created or what effects have you made on multimedia elements)5Total100 death penalty (Assignment 2)CriteriaMarks Allocated1Title and content* Implementation suitable for intended audience?* Interesting?* Unique?* score?* Originality52Level of originality and innovation of prowess* total of graphics self developed* make sense of graphics extracted directly from external source.* Amount of graphics extracted from external source and further innovated (like adding special effects added on the graphics)* Graphics quality* Quality of effects and innovation203Animations* Amount of animations self developed* Amount of animations extracted directly from external source.* Amount of animations extracted from external source and further innovated (like adding special effects added on the graphics)* perspicacity and quality of animations204Sound* Sound effect used?* Voice recorded?* Music used?* Sound quality205Technicality* Level of interactivity (full interactivity? Or merely click and display)* special(prenominal) Effects done on the system* Use of ActionScripts (ActionScript is strongly support to use. If you have done so, remember to put the full script in your document. However, absent of ActionScript will not deduct your marks)* Full screen?* up to(p) to run smoothly?206System development (compliant with the documents e.g. storyboard submitted earlier)57Presentation* Professional style* Good use of style* Capability in answering questions addressed by lecturer* proper(a) referencing and citations.10Total100%v Documentation contributes 40% and Implementation contributes 60% of the overall marks.10.0 FRONT COVER OF PROJECTv All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A safety-related transparent plastic sheet can be placed in front of the report t o protect the front cover. The front cover should be presented with the following detailsa) Names.b) Intake code.c) Subject.d) Project Title.e) Date Assigned (the date the report was handed out).f) Date Completed (the date the report is due to be handed in).11.0 PLANNINGv You are advised to psychoanalyze your audience and survey the existing materials before starting out. Then, brainstorm, flowchart your ideas to see the general flow and finally, develop. Planning saves you a tot of heartache and business later on.12.0 MULTIMEDIA TOOLSv You have the options of developing the multimedia application using one of the following multimedia tools for your projectElementTools1Text and animated textWin Word, Notepad2Graphic alterPhotoshop3AudioAny Sound editing tools like assurance4Video (Optional)Windows Movie Maker5AnimationMacromedia retinue (Flash, Director)13.0 ACADEMIC INTEGRITYv You are expected to maintain the upper limit level of academic integrity during the duration of the c ourse.v Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be dealt with according to APIITs regulations on plagiarism.7Multimedia Applications in-course assessment handout
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